Healing spas 2025 - call for papers

Following on from the 3rd International Congress on “Thermal spas and territory: the role of mineral-medicinal waters in the Roman provinces” in Madrid, Spain (2023) we are pleased to inform you that we are already working on the organization of the 4th International Thermal workshop that will take place in Vichy (France) at the end of May 2025.

After the development and flourishing of thermalism in Roman times, a new revival took place in the 19th century, giving rise to a very rich thermal culture, together with increasing progress in the field of medical hydrology, promoting the development of thermal towns in a large number of countries. This period was also marked by the rise in interest in antiquity, which fascinated doctors and scholars alike. Thus, archaeology became associated with medical research and contributed to the renown of spa towns, all claiming an undoubted antiquity, to the point of amplifying and even distorting the archaeological reality.

Nevertheless, abundant documentation from when the modern towns were built shows us that a large number of archaeological remains were revealed during the construction of this construction work, most of which have been greatly altered or destroyed. Obviously, this makes the study of these sites very complex. However, this is a question that can be tackled by re-examining the old data from a new perspective and using modern tools (non-invasive methods, specialised studies, etc.), which enable us to take a new critical look at these structures and materials. Therefore, this colloquium aims to highlight the benefits of reviewing and comparing a large number of case studies and works on sites that have been excavated or studied in the past, but which can be restudied and rediscovered in order to show the significance of these spas over the centuries, as well as analysing their state of preservation and the valuable information available on them.

Thus, as for the previous conferences, the first of which was in Kiel in 2020, then Basel in 2021, and Madrid in 2023, this conference, that will take place in a well-renowned thermal site like the city of Vichy (France), will be focused specifically on Ancient thermalism with the aim of promoting new studies on this subject. In addition to the topics discussed in the previous meetings and at recent events (Nanterre 2024), we propose to return to the historiography, rediscovering the archaeological evidence uncovered in the 19th century, as aspects of fundamental interest to be explored. Furthermore, we’ve been wondering: what should be done with these ancient remains now located in active spa installations or in private collections? What sort of remains are found? How should they be documented ans preserved in the 21st century? And, of course, even more importantly: How should we interpret and protect this heritage? Have these sites been well studied and understood? What type of restauration should be applied (techniques, materials, architecture, etc)? Could we learn about this aspect through archaeology?


In the light of these considerations, this conference will be focused on the following subjects:

- Methodology for recovering old data: new tools, new proposals.

- Recent reinterpretations of thermal archaeological sites.

- The preservation of this thermal heritage: History of discoveries and collections; history of architectural restoration and development of curative spa sites; difficulties and solutions for conserving remains, etc.

- The specific features of Roman healing spas.

- The thermal phenomenon from the hydrology, medicine and uses since Antiquity.

- Diachronic role of thermalism since Roman time.

- The goal is to integrate all the new archaeological researche on this subject to create a discussion about Roman Thermalism (using mineral-medicinal waters), so we will try to adopt a hybrid format (in person and online). As for the previous meetings, the idea is to reinforce a network to discuss ideas and experience related to the study of Ancient spas, focusing on Roman bath establishments with mineral-medicinal waters.

So, call for papers is now open!

The individual presentation slots will be about 20 minutes, with 10 additional minutes for questions. The conference language is English.


If you would like to present a paper, please send your proposal to : healingspas2025@sciencesconf.org

Deadline for submission: January 10th, 2025

The proposals should include:

- Name and surname of authors

- Institution or organisation

- Contact information

- Title

- Abstract (250-300 words)

- 5 keywords

- Would you need to apply for a grant to participate in this congress? YES / NO (If you want to apply, please describe briefly your personal situation: you are student, unemployed, other? -including a document to justify it-)

- Organizational issues: - Will you participate on site? YES / NO

- Are you interested in publishing your paper? YES / NO

The best proposals will be selected to be published in a high-level scientific publication, with peer review.



Scientific and practical coordination:

Lise AUGUSTIN-ROLLAND, Researcher with responsability for scientific mediation, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Clermont-Ferrand (UAR 3550), Université Clermont Auvergne

Élise NECTOUX, Heritage conservationist, Service régional de l’archéologie, DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, ArAr (UMR 5138)

Silvia GONZALEZ SOUTELO, Lecturer in Classical Archaeology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Spain) and the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (MIAS).


Scientific comittee:

Maddalena BASSANI, Associate Professor of Classical Archeology at the University of Venice

Pr. Yves-Jean BIGNON, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Clermont Auvergne, Chairman of ThermAuvergne, Chairman of the Innovatherm regional cluster, 1st Vice-President of the Société Française de Médecine Thermale, Founder of IIMT (Institut Interuniversitaire de Médecine Thermale).

Didier BOISSEUIL, Lecturer in medieval history, CETHIS, (EA6298) Université de Tours

Aldo BORLENGHI, Lecturer in archeology and Roman history, Université Lumière Lyon 2, ArAr (UMR 5138)

Anne-Laure FOULCHE, Reasercher, Service régional de l’archéologie, DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, ArAr (UMR 5138)

Carlotta FRANCESCELLI, Lecturer in archeology and Roman history, Université Clermont Auvergne

Sébastien NIELOUD-MULLER, Researcher, Département de la Savoie, laboratoire ArAr (UMR 5138)

Jacopo TABOLLI, Faculty member, Universitá per stranieri di Siena Marie-Laure THIERRY, Archaeologist in charge of operations, Inrap


Organisation team:

Bertrand DOUSTEYSSIER, Researcher, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Clermont-Ferrand (UAR 3550), Université Clermont Auvergne

Chrystel FONT, administrative manager, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Clermont-Ferrand (UAR 3550), Université Clermont Auvergne

Fabienne GELIN, Head of Vichy’s heritage collection

Valérie JAMROZIK, financial assistant, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Clermont-Ferrand (UAR 3550), Université Clermont Auvergne

Hélène SAINT-ANDRE, Université Clermont Auvergne

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